Exciting News!

120605_6779_INGRIDI want to take a moment to celebrate life’s little big moments!

I’m super happy to announce that I have just signed with the brilliant and wonderful Melissa Sarver at Folio Literary Agency! Yes, I have an agent! It’s amazing to find someone who loves my novel. Someone who is truly passionate about my writing and has a vision for it! (Yup, I’ve pretty much looked like the image to the right for the past week!).

Of course, this hasn’t been an easy road. Getting an agent has been many years in the making. Not only is the querying process long and painful, but there’s all the time before querying. Time spent writing and revising my book, getting my MFA, going to conferences and workshops, querying (and getting rejected) with that other book (which I can now admit wasn’t ready). You know … all the many pieces of the puzzle that add up to simply learning how to tell a good story!

I know there’s plenty of hard work ahead, but I’m ready for it. And it’s so exciting to have an agent in my camp ready to be an advocate for my work!

I want to thank all of you as well! Thank you for reading my blog and sharing in this writing journey with me. I can’t wait to hear about when you sign your agent and sell your books, so I can celebrate with you!

Now everyone, get up from your computer, toss your hands in the air, and happy dance!

Are you in the process of querying and finding an agent? I’ve compiled all the links and helpful articles I used in this process. You can find them here:

Learn more about the marvelous Melissa and Folio Literary Agency with these links:

Thanks again for celebrating with me!

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18 responses to “Exciting News!”

  1. Seda Tunc says:

    Ingrid, you have such an amazing blog! One of very few that i cant imagine without. Thank YOU for all these…
    And congratulations!!!!!!!! : )

    Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 07:38:18 +0000
    To: sedatunc_@hotmail.com

  2. sandranickel says:

    This is just so So SO Exciting! Congratulations!!! You deserve this.

  3. How exciting! Congratulations. Thanks for sharing the links and your journey to landing a great agent. Best wishes on your writing career. May all your books be bestsellers!

  4. Congratulations! Can’t wait to pull your book off the shelf and into my hands. 🙂

  5. Annemarie O'Brien says:

    Congratulations! Well deserved!!

  6. Karen Clayton says:

    Wonderful news and congratulations.

  7. Ellar Cooper says:

    Definitely happy dance time!

  8. Congratulations! Well deserved. You have worked very hard to get where you are right now. I wish you the best with your writing career! By the way, I saw you once at the SCBWI-LA conference with your PINK hair!

  9. Addy Rae says:

    Sweet! Congratulations! You’ve worked hard, and you’ve earned it. 🙂

  10. L. Marie says:

    Ingrid, I’m so happy for you (and you know I love that picture). 🙂 I’ve wanted to read your book ever since we discussed it on the blog. Others were excited about it too, so in a way, your news is not surprising. We expected you to land an agent and find a home for your book! I also can’t wait for the day when I have the printed copy!

  11. Thanks everyone! I’m sending you all gratitude and awesome dance moves!

  12. Arlene says:

    HaPpY D@nCinG as I tYpe! Can yOu TeLL? 🙂

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Very happy for you and can’t wait to hear more! 🙂

  13. Manju says:

    Your blogs are my MFA classes. Thanks for being my writing guide. And Congratulations on finding an agent that cares about your work.

  14. Linda C. says:

    Congrats–I’m so excited for you! And Folio is a great agency (I wouldn’t mind working there one day!)

  15. Kiera Paul says:

    Ingrid! So happy for you!! Congrats =)

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