Daring Greatly

The Secrets We Hide: #ShareYourSecrets Campaign

These typewritten secrets are from participants of my #ShareYourSecrets campaign who asked to have their handwriting kept private. Most of the secrets from this campaign are shared by teenagers I’ve met at high school visits and book festivals. However, a few are from adults who’ve also attended my events. These secrets have been shared anonymously to…

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You Are Not Alone: #ShareYourSecrets Campaign

Today I’m sharing more secrets from the #ShareYourSecrets campaign. Many of these secrets come from teenagers I’ve met at high school visits and book festivals, and a few are from adults who’ve attended my events. These secrets have been shared anonymously to give a voice to the secrets we hide. Typewritten secrets are from participants who…

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More Secrets: #ShareYourSecrets Campaign

Since All We Left Behind came out in December, I’ve been collecting secrets. One of the major themes in All We Left Behind is the silence that surrounds Kurt and Marion’s secrets and how their desire to hide the past causes them to act in ways they normally never would. This is because secrets gain power from…

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We Try So Hard

Two weeks ago I shared Lynne Twist’s quote about feeling like enough is never enough. I threw energy out into the universe, and in that mysterious way the universe works, it sent something back to me. Last week a wonderful article by Jamie Varon fell into my lap. It asked me to forgive myself for the shame…

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Does This Sound Familiar?

“For me, and for many of us, our first waking thought of the day is ‘I didn’t get enough sleep.’ The next one is ‘I don’t have enough time.’ Whether true or not, that thought of not enough occurs to us automatically before we even think to question or examine it. We spend most of…

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All We Left Behind is a love story about two teenagers who don’t want to share their secrets, only to discover that true intimacy requires vulnerability and facing their shame. Silence is a strong theme in the novel and at my book launch I talked a lot about the power silence can have over us. Silence…

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I’m Broken. Should I Give Up Writing?

Two articles really hit a nerve with me this week. They’re completely different, and yet they both tango with the subject of failure and feeling alone in this big noisy world. They’re worth your time. I’m Broken. Do you ever feel like you’re alone? So. Damn. Alone. We’re surrounded by people, and yet the broken pieces of…

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