The Voice of Point-of-View

“I’m looking for great voice!” That’s what every editor and agent in the business keeps saying over and over. Yet, at the same time they have trouble describing voice. “I can’t describe it,” they say. “But, I’ll know it when I read it.” But what is it? And how do we writers find our voice?…

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Limitations of Writing in the Omniscient POV

Are there limitations in writing in the Third Person Omniscient point of view? After all the author is “God” and has full reign over the story! Could there possibly be any reason not to use this point of view? Of course, every point-of-view choice comes with its advantages and disadvantages, omniscient does as well. I…

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What is Dramatic Point of View?

Have you ever heard the term “Dramatic Point-of-View” thrown around? Possibly you’ve heard it called Third Person Objective. Maybe you’ve never heard of it at all. So what is it? Dramatic Point-of-View is a specific style of writing in which the author chooses to only share the action of a scene and not the internal…

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Five Advantages of Third Person Omniscient POV

To continue my series on the point of point of view lets take a look at the use of the third person omniscient POV. In previous posts we discussed the pros and cons of using the first person, now lets consider the use of third person. There are multiple types of third person POV including:…

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Six Limitations of the First Person POV

In my last post I discussed five reasons to use the first person POV for your writing. This post will explore how that choice might limit you.  Please refer back to my first post the point of point-of-view to learn all about the different points-of-view available! Six Limitations of the First Person Point-of-View: 1) It…

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Quote of the Week: Point-of-View

Since I’m exploring point-of-view right now it seemed like it would be a great idea to stick to theme with this week’s quotes: “The third person narrator, instead of being omniscient, is like a constantly running surveillance tape.” – Andrew Vachss “The choice of point-of-view will largely determine all other choices with regards to style,…

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The Point of Point-of-View

It has come to my attention that Point-of-View is one of the most important craft choices one will make in regards to his or her novel. It’s a big all-world encompassing decision that will affect every subsequent choice there-after. That said, can you believe that I randomly chose a point-of-view for my first novel? The…

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